Hailing from Kitchener, ON is the Canadian country duo, Griffin Brothers (consisting of brothers, Ricky & Alex Griffin). Coming from a multi-generational family of musicians, they were inclined to follow suit– with their first on-stage appearance taking place at the early ages of 3 and 4 respectively. In the years since the multi-instrumentalists & singer/songwriters have captivated audiences across Ontario with their high-energy performances, as well as released several singles. Their most recent release comes as “Safe Pair Of Hands”, a heartwarming song about being that safe space and support system for someone you love.
Recently, I spoke with the Griffin Brothers about their start in country music, their new single and more.
Kyla Pearson: For those who are unfamiliar with you and your music, can you tell us a bit more about how you got your start in music and how the Griffin Brothers came to be? Why did you decide to pursue country music specifically?
Ricky: We were raised in the country music industry, so pursuing music was never really a conscious choice. It was something we thought everybody grew up to do. However, we started by playing in different punk rock bands in high school. Honestly, those punk bands really just blended together till we ended up with an early version of Griffin Brothers. Shortly after, we started playing more country.
Kyla Pearson: You’re also a part of the Ontario country music scene, which is known for its tight-knit & supportive community. How has having that community behind you helped you as independent artists/indie duo?
Ricky: Having a community as welcoming and accepting as ours is few and far between. We have been extremely lucky to be able to meet and develop some amazing friendships over the years. Ultimately, we try to remind ourselves that we are never short on inspiration. There are so many amazing artists to look up to and learn from!
Kyla Pearson: What is the primary message you want to share with your music? Why is this message important to you?
Alex: Ultimately, our primary focus is to demonstrate that personal growth is important to us. With every song, we’ve always tried to push ourselves as much as possible, as well as ensure that we are proud of the music we release. We were 17 and 18 when we started releasing music. Since then, we have grown both as people and as artists. So we hope that’s reflected in the music we’re lucky enough to make.
Kyla Pearson: This August, you released your latest heartfelt single, “Safe Pair Of Hands”. Can you tell us a bit more about the songwriting & recording process?
Kyla Pearson: According to you, what is the ideal setting to listen to the song in order to fully experience it?
Alex: When it comes to the setting, the place is less important. Share that moment with the person or people who make you feel like you’re the #1 person in the world.
Kyla Pearson: Do you have any upcoming shows where fans can hear you play “Safe Pair of Hands” live?
Ricky: We love to play as much as we possibly can! We always post about our upcoming shows and events on all of our social media. So keep your eyes peeled and we hope to sing you “Safe Pair Of Hands” real soon!
Kyla Pearson: Lastly, what is one thing fans may not know about you?
Ricky: Alex used to sell Vans but not cars.
Alex: Ricky’s nickname is “Snakeman”.
Both: We are both extreme extroverts. So if you happen to see us around and would like to say hi, we will chat your ear off for at least an hour!
Listen to "Safe Pair Of Hands" Now:
Stay up to Date With the Griffin Brothers:
Facebook: @GriffinBrothersOfficial
Instagram: @_griffinbrothers
Tik Tok: @_griffinbrothers
YouTube: Griffin Brothers
Website: https://griffinbrothers.ca
Apple Music: Griffin Brothers
Spotify Music: Griffin Brothers
The Griffin Brothers. Interview. Conducted by Kyla Pearson, Aug.-Sept., 2023.
Unknown. “Featured: Official cover art for the Griffin Brothers’ latest single, “Safe Pair Of Hands”.” Photo courtesy of The Griffin Brothers. Accessed Aug. 15, 2023.
Unknown. “Featured: Canadian country duo, the Griffin Brothers.” Photo courtesy of The Griffin Brothers. Accessed Aug. 15, 2023.
Unknown. “Featured: The Canadian country duo, Griffin Brothers (left: Alex Griffin. Right: Ricky Griffin).” Photo courtesy of The Griffin Brothers. Accessed Aug. 15, 2023.